Northside Hospital Atlanta - Atlanta, Georgia

Indirizzo: 1000 Johnson Ferry Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30342.
Telefono: 4048518000.
Sito web:
Specialità: Policlinico, Ospedale, Farmacia.
Altri dati di interesse: Servizi in loco, Bagno accessibile in sedia a rotelle, Ingresso accessibile in sedia a rotelle, Parcheggio accessibile in sedia a rotelle, Toilette.
Opinioni: Questa azienda ha 1083 recensioni su Google My Business.
Media delle opinioni: 3.2/5.

Posizione di Northside Hospital Atlanta

Il Northside Hospital Atlanta è un importante polo medico situato all'indirizzo 1000 Johnson Ferry Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30342. Con una vasta gamma di servizi offerti, questo ospedale e farmacia è una scelta eccellente per coloro che cercano cure mediche di qualità.

Il Northside Hospital Atlanta offre una vasta gamma di servizi medici, tra cui un pronto soccorso attivo 24 ore su 24, servizi chirurgici, radioterapia, terapia fisica e molto altro ancora. La struttura è attrezzata con strumentazioni all'avanguardia e uno staff medico altamente qualificato, garantendo cure e trattamenti di alto livello.

Il Northside Hospital Atlanta è facilmente accessibile, con un ingresso e un bagno accessibili in sedia a rotelle, nonché un ampio parcheggio accessibile a persone con disabilità. La struttura offre anche servizi in loco, come una farmacia, per rendere la visita dei pazienti il più comoda possibile.

Le recensioni dei pazienti su Google My Business riflettono una media di 3.2/5, con un totale di 1083 recensioni. Questo punteggio riflette l'impegno del Northside Hospital Atlanta nel fornire cure mediche di alta qualità e un'esperienza positiva per i pazienti.

Recensioni di Northside Hospital Atlanta

Northside Hospital Atlanta - Atlanta, Georgia
Brittany Price

Pleasant, speedy, and attentive service with superb attention to detail. I really appreciate everyone who cared for my daughter. Starting with the ER nurses and doctors. I can't remember the names of everyone as I wasn't fully aware of everything that was taking place at that time, but you all were great. When we were able to move into a room in the B unit, we were blessed to have nurse Jenn. We appreciate you. We were asked to move to another level due to needing that particular room space. We were moved to the third floor. We were blessed to have Nurse Zakiya. Throughout the shift changes, we were blessed to have nurse, Mercedes, nurse Mary Kate, and tech Kenni. There was one other tech. Please forgive me as I forgot her name. The dietary worker, Mrs. Sylvia was very caring and helpful as well. God knew who to put in place to care for my child and I'm truly blessed. I bypassed several hospitals to drive over an hour to Northside Hospital. The hospitality is unmatched.

I would have given a 5 star rating but one of the techs by the name of Olivia wasn't too pleasant. She wasn't professional with handling my daughter. She had an attitude for no reason. We needed a wheelchair to wheel my daughter to the car. Olivia came with one. She bumped the wall and my daughter jokingly made a comment about being scared. That rubbed Ms. Olivia the wrong way. So, I politely told her that we wouldn't be needing her after all.

Job well done!

Northside Hospital Atlanta - Atlanta, Georgia

No urgency, a team of people who don’t know listen and take into consideration what’s good for their patient. They inject fluids into your body that will leave you itchy and irritated for days.And when you tell them that it’s making your face swell they look at you and say “we didn’t know what you looked before so we can’t tell” insane really. And i’m not complaining to say that to say I think doctors and nurses are miracle workers but with how time consuming medicine is to study and with it being such a highly respected field you would think they would’ve tried harder in their school years to be able to perform well out in the field. Words cannot express how upset I am for a family member who is very dear to me that unfortunately went to the ER at this hospital. Money hungry vultures who try to make a penny off anything they can without the consideration of what they’re actually there for.

Northside Hospital Atlanta - Atlanta, Georgia

At Northside labor and delivery now don’t think we are having baby yet they will keep us for obs. I Have to say the nurses and dr have been awesome. Great personalities. Made you feel like a human being. Have been to Emory in Decatur labor and deliver and they wouldn’t even let me in with my wife and 2 yr old. Here at Northside they welcomed us and have been so nice. My child is very well behaved doesn’t bother a soul. Thank you Northside for caring for my wife. Very glad we made the decision to deliver here. I do work across the street from Emory Decatur so it would have been ideal for her to deliver there but considering they weren’t interested in my best interest Northside it is.

Northside Hospital Atlanta - Atlanta, Georgia
Sultana Begum

I recently visited the ER at Northside Hospital to ensure I didn’t have anything stuck in my trachea or lungs after a choking incident. Although I was confident it wasn't anything serious, I wanted to double-check. It had been over 10 years since I last visited the ER, and my past experiences accompanying friends and family had always been less than ideal, often involving long waits and frustration.

However, this experience at Northside Hospital was exceptional! From the moment I checked in, I was greeted warmly and felt secure. It seemed like a slower night, which may have contributed to the efficiency, but I was taken to a room right away. The nurse, while not the friendliest, was professional and did her job effectively. I was in and out within two hours and overall very satisfied with the care I received. This visit exceeded my expectations, and I left feeling reassured and well taken care of.

Northside Hospital Atlanta - Atlanta, Georgia
Shatisha Wilson

As my first inpatient hospital experience, I have to say firsthand this by far was the most pleasant hospital stay. The staff was kind, attentive, willing to help and showed genuine concern and care.

I ended up staying overnight after my surgery. Nursing staff provided timely assistance and ensured any concerns I had were answered and immediately resolved. I was hesitant initially but glad I didn't cancel my surgery at the last minute. From the preoperative unit to the actual postoperative and recovery floors; service was well above par.

I felt heard and attended to throughout my visit and stay. My family expressed that staff keep them updated throughout the process and offered support as needed.

Northside Hospital Atlanta - Atlanta, Georgia
Erica Segovia

Northside has great doctors, but today I had an appt and accidentally forgot my wallet. I’m 7.5 months pregnant and accidentally forgot my wallet. I had a parking pass for the labor and delivery side of the hospital but it was not accepted at the other parking lot, I offered to sent money electronically or pay online or anything. I even offered to pay when I came out and would have my husband bring money, but nope. She wouldn’t let me in. No help, no sympathy nothing! Had to park on the other side of the hospital just to go to the appointment. Just seems ridiculous.

Northside Hospital Atlanta - Atlanta, Georgia
Chance Love

I recently had a very disappointing experience at North Side Hospital due to an encounter with an employee named Jewell. I was taken aback to witness her using profane language and yelling, which was quite unprofessional in a healthcare setting. It’s concerning to see such behavior in a place where patients and their families are expecting compassion and care. I hope management addresses this issue, as it's essential for the staff to maintain a respectful and calm environment. Thank you Google Family … I am safe

Northside Hospital Atlanta - Atlanta, Georgia
Chelsea Holden

I just had endometriosis surgery at Northside Atlanta yesterday and had a wonderful experience.

From the benefits coordinator to admissions, anesthesiologist, my pre-op nurses, day/night shift nurses, techs, and transport, the care and service was exceptional.

All of my nurses were so kind, helpful, and informative. They always made sure I had everything I needed and went above and beyond to give amazing patient care. They truly are the heartbeat of the hospital.

Special shoutouts to Cindy, Edin, Nicole, Debora, Chastity & Ruby!! You ladies were amazing!

I would recommend this hospital to anyone!

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